Andrea Lesavourey
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I am now an assistant professor (maître de conférences) in Limoges. I am working at the IUT du Limousin within the MMI department, and at the XLIM research laboratory within the Cryptis team.
During the past year I was research engineer / post-doctoral researcher at INRIA Bordeaux within the STORM team, notably under the supervision of Olivier Aumage. I worked towards integrating error-correcting codes used in post-quantum cryptography in the AFF3CT software.
From june 2021 to septembre 2023, I was a post-doctoral researcher at University of Rennes, CNRS, IRISA, working within the CAPSULE team under the supervision of Adeline Roux-Langlois.
Previously, I was a Ph.D. student at University of Wollongong, Australia under the supervision of Willy Susilo and Thomas Plantard.
Here is my (maybe not up to date and in french) CV.Contact
- Mail: andrea(dot)lesavourey(at)unilim(dot)fr
I helped organise and took part to the First Workshop on Mathematics and Algorithms for Cryptographic Advanced Objects, MACAO.Editorial work
I have been a sub-reviewer for the conferences ACISP 2020 and 2022, PKC 2023, Asiacrypt 2023, Eurocrypt 2024 and ISSAC 2024.Andrea Lesavourey